Aug. 31-Oct. 23

Drawing Systems: A group exhibition of drawings

Art students often begin by learning to draw and artists continue to perfect these skills through their careers. Artists often use drawings as studies for paintings and sculpture but drawings can also stand on their own.

Each of the artists included in Drawing Systems: A group exhibition of drawings works primarily on paper and each has devised a unique and dynamic approach to drawing; from idiosyncratic mapping and obsessive schematics to fragmented landscape. Media range from graphite, ink, and colored pencil on paper, and include collaged, folded, and cut elements.

Guest curator Susan Swenson. The works are loaned courtesy of Pierogi Gallery, Brooklyn.

Nov. 1-Dec.18

Off The Wall

Of the Wall is an exhibition that presents works of art created in the print studio. Although these works are considered forms of printmaking, they challenge the traditional expressions of the medium. They have 3-D qualities not normally associated with the flat plane nature of the print medium. Many extend from the wall up to ten inches—even farther; others unfold as much as thirty feet long.

This exhibition expands on the medium of printmaking in innovative and fascinating ways. The featured artists include not only young and emerging practitioners but nationally and internationally known artists already recognized for pushing the boundaries of artistic mediums in search of new ways to articulate their vision. This show personifies that creative quest.

Many of the exhibited works have been created at Lafayette’s Experimental Printmaking Institute, EPI.

Reception: Sunday, Nov. 7, 3-5 p.m.

Conversation: Sunday, Nov. 7, 4 p.m. with Sam Gilliam and Jase Clark about innovative printmaking techniques.

Jan 24 – Mar 5

Past-Imperfect: Video Works from Ecuador

Past-Imperfect assembles ten video artworks from some of the most notable contemporary artists from Ecuador. These works play upon the philosophical concept of eterno retorno (eternal recurrence)—the infinite repetition of situations, events, thoughts, feelings, and ideas. This reading emphasizes the permanent contrast between past and present that is at the heart of the works.  Either in literal ways or in evocative metaphors the videos require us to reflect upon a set of socio-cultural experiences that weigh heavily upon the country.

Guest Curator, Rodolfo Kronfle Chambers

March 22 – April 23
Grossman Visiting Artist
May 3-May 21

Honors Thesis Exhibition